
HT Law Documentation

Website Editing Guides, Resources & Tutorials for HT Law team to manage the website

Basic tasks

Edit website pages

Steps on how to edit various types of web pages throughout the website.

Optimizing images (compressing, sizing, etc)

While adding new images follow these best practices for optimal website performance.

Minor editing tasks

Add/edit Reviews on the testimonials page

Learn how to add/edit reviews present on Testimonial page.

Editing contact information

Learn how to edit various contact info like email, office address, social links etc.

Editing Pre-Footer, Footer, & Error page information

Follow these steps to edit content of pre-footer, footer & 404 error page.

Editing services in the website menu

Learn how to edit services present under top menu under ‘Services’ dropdown.

Add various types of pages

Add a new normal page

Learn how to add new page on your own. It would be of ‘Privacy Policy’ page format.

Add a new form page

Learn how to add a new form page for english or spanish language.

Add/edit a new service page

Learn how to add & edit a new service page which would be present under ‘Service’ link.

Add a new team member

Learn how to add a new team member and do all the setting to add information.

Add a new video guide

Learn how to add a new video guide within which will be added under ‘Video Guides’ page.

Features of various pages

Forms page ‘audio instruction’ feature

Learn how to add a audio instructions for various languages.

Resources page features

Resource page contains various resouces and unique editing style. Learn how to do it.

Special sub-services feature

HT Law has the feature to add sub-services under a particular service. Learn how to add them.

Admin panel settings

General admin panel settings

Take a look at some basic features that admin panel offers.

Important note on Plugins

Plugins on the website must be handled correctly. Leaarn how to do that.

Creating WordPress User Account

Learn how to create your own WordPress account.

Manage Users Access

Learn how to add new users and manage current users.

Taking backup

Taking backup from time-to-time is super important. Learn how to do that correctly.

Design Files

Figma Design File Link

Access the link to the original design files.